This current location information is from classmates
who have responded to the Alumni Survey webpage.
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Leonard, Marian; Camp Verde
MacDonald, Sean; Tucson
Steed, Jeff; Clarkdale
Bryant, Ray; Subiaco
San Diego metro and nearby cities:
Adrignola, Steve; El Cajon |
Gallagher, Tim; La Jolla |
Mullins, April; San Diego |
San Diego North County: Carlsbad, Escondido and nearby cities:
Bankovich, Greg; Oceanside |
Leon, Sylvia; Escondido |
Other southern California cities:
Bennett, Joe; San Bernardino |
Hunnefeld, Maurice; Culver City |
San Francisco Bay Area and vicinity:
Bulfer, Dave; Los Altos Hills
Guida, Jim; Orinda
Sacramento, San Joaquin Valley and vicinity:
Centers, Bob; Woodland
Licciardello, Ray; Loomis
MacDowell, John; El Dorado Hills
Mid-California coast (Santa Barbara area to San Francisco):
(Clark) Young, Stephanie; Santa Cruz
Hawtrey, Mark; Lompoc
Keough, Jeff; Summerland
Vinickas, Anne-Catherine; Gilroy
Wolfe, Loretta; Boulder Creek
Northern California coast (Marin and north):
Peck, Janine; Mill Valley
Other northern California cities:
Faust, Lou; Boulder
Zeeb, Mike; Highland Ranch
Campbell, John; Oviedo
Carnine, Don; Pembroke Pines
Costa, Dave; Jacksonville
(Tate) Wright, Hazel; Pensacola
Hines, Marva; Atlanta
Ward, Bob; Mililani
Beck, Bob; Pocatello
Shandley, Steve; Barrington
Hirsch, Vernon; Still River
Malarkey, Ken; Burnsville
McNeil, Mike; Gardiner
Fahey, Patrick; Las Vegas
Schoch, Mike; Henderson
Uebbing, Bill; New York
Flumian, Joe; Charlotte
(Tarango) Levison, Julie; Central Point
Appel, Kevin; Cumberland
Murphy, Dan; Exeter
Abreu, George; Humble
Daigle, Joe; Killeen
Zecca, Gary; North Richland
Gray, Sean; Draper
(Hayward) Foran, Toni (Antonia); Toquerville
(Dunn) Paiva, Jerrine; Fredericksburg
Storey, Sharon; Arlington
Bavasi, Bob; Everett
Brent, Barry; Spokane
Maduska, Joe; Duval
(Woolpert) Aillaud, Lorraine (Lorrie); Port Angelus
Hancock, Daniel; Wheeling
Aleman, Sandor; 1998
Graham, Barbara; 1999
Gross, Larry; 1974
Harpin, Leo; 2001
Mullins, Shelley; 2001
Peragine, Jolene; 1978
Schall, Charles; 1972
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